Ayzel Global

Medical Billing Management

Healthcare billing processes flow like the wind. Our forte is making sure the money doesn’t stop. Error free coding followed by vigilant claim creation, timely claim submission, denial management along with aggressive follow up makes for a healthy revenue stream.

Billing for the services physicians provide is critical to the viability of a practice. The first and most important factor for a medical billing firm is to focus on the fee schedule that a physician has established for the services they provide as a fair price with the insurance company. We take pride on our vigilant staff who make sure that the services you provide are billed according to the amount your practice has established with the insurance companies. It is very important that information is keyed in properly and in a timely manner. 

person sitting while using laptop computer and green stethoscope near
person in green shirt wearing white mask

Until the information is entered into the provider’s practice management system, there is no progression towards receiving reimbursements from payers. Several individuals are assigned the task of data entry within our organization. Even the smallest mistake can result in a denied claim. For e.g when a number is transposed which is a simple mistake, the result can be a denied claim for an invalid ID number. The small mistake can cause your practice time and money to work the claim to get paid for the service. Regardless who inputs or updates the data, the most important skills are accuracy and speed both of which are prevalent among our team of skilled employees. 

How it Works

Here at Ayzel Global, we implement, maintain & monitor the best practices for minimizing claim payment delays with the following methods

Verification of Insurance

Submitting Clean Claims

Timely Filing

Post Contractual Adjustments

Timely Document Submission

Checking Status Reports

Better information. Better health.

Sign up with us to experience the best medical billing services offering complete healthcare solutions that are cost-effective, secure, and reliable.